What Should I Wear?
You can wear whatever you're comfortable in, whether it be a hooded sweatshirt or a 3 piece suit. We have all styles represented each Lord's Day!
What Should I Bring?
Please bring your Bible - God's word is best learned with the Bible you use at home, and you will be more comfortable reading from it as well. If you do not have a Bible, we would be happy to provide you with one. YouVersion Bible App is also a great option, as you can quickly and easily switch between versions and translations for free. Everything else will be provided!
Why Do You Take Communion Each Sunday?
There is no Biblical precedent regarding communion, although as with most things the motivation is the most important part of the symbol. We partake of the Lord's Supper each Sunday to remember Christ and His sacrificial love for us until He returns. 1 Corinthians 11:26 says, "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes." Communion is an act proclaiming the Lord's power over death and our hope and faith we hold in Him until He returns.
What if I Have Children?
If you have children, you're not alone! There are over 80 children at Millwood whose parents are members or regular attendees. We focus on the impact we can have on the children, and encourage participation from all ages! We have a nursery and classes for all ages, and all staff who work with the youth have up to date background checks. Your children's' safety is our top priority, as the children are our future.