Keep In Touch

Events & Announcements

Upcoming Events

  • September 14 - 5 p.m. Camp Hot Dog Roast. Bring a lawn chair and a side dish to share. See the bulletin board for items needed for the 2025 camp season.
  • September 15 - 5 p.m. Fall Family Meal. Please bring a side dish to share—meat and drinks will be provided. We’ll also have a gourmet deviled eggs and brownie contest if you’d like to join in the fun!
  • September 15-18 - Revive the Family Seminar (revival) with Joe Heins of the Woodburn Christian Children's Home. Childcare will be provided on Sunday morning and each evening!
  • September 20 – 6-8 p.m. Ladies “Wiener Roast and Hayride”. Please sign up on the bulletin board.
  • September 21- Annual Camp Wakatomika Golf Outing. Sign up on the bulletin board.
  • September 29 - 6 p.m. Evening of special music by Millwood singers and musicians.


  • Congratulations to Jonathan and Jillian Faris who were married on August 24!
  • Congratulations to the Faucet family on the birth of Oaks Robert on August 22.
  • Congratulations to the Scroggins family on the birth of Waylon Denver on September 3.

Student Ministry Program

  • Tonight – 6:00 p.m. Youth Group
  • September 20 - Youth and family outing to Ramseyer Farms near Wooster.
  • October 5 – 2-5 p.m. Fall Festival - Open to the church and our community. Invite your friends and family. There will be games and activities for kids.


Prayer Requests


Cheryl Gearhart Family


Ed Rager
Mitch Furby
Larry Brown
Scott Mickley
John Bateman
Earl Moore
Todd McMullen
Becky Erndt
Wayne Thompson
Cheryl White
Carol Lumbatis

Joey Souder (Barb Rager) – Diabetes
Lucille Miller – Health
Amy Walters - Auto Immune Disease
Britany Erow (Mike) – Health
Sadie Croft (Bob & Ruth’s daughter)
Ron and Donna Bailey
Karen Wright (Cheri Fry) Health
Henry Zugg – Lyme disease
Carrier Cora – Country Club NH
David & Paul Brady – Health
Maxine Hull - Health
Grace Rogers - Health

Justin Thomas
Seth Rager
Keaton Snow
Danny Mears
Arik Lumbatis

Anthony Odu
Camie Newbold
Arik Lumbatis
Lance Jones


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We Can't Wait to Meet You!