Keep In Touch

Events & Announcements

Upcoming Events

  • August 4 - 5-7 pm. Family fun and campfire worship. Bring a chair and food to share. Hot dogs and drinks provided.
  • August 8 – GriefShare - Loss of a Spouse. A one-night seminar and introduction to GriefShare, which will start on September 5. See Ernie Kaufman to register.
  • August 31 - 5:00 pm. Retirement celebration for Randy Buckingham as an elder. If you would like to attend, sign up by August 11.



  • Congratulations to Jeff Bullock who was Baptized on Sunday July 14th.
  • Sign-up on the bulletin to bring food for Vacation Bible School. Food will be available each evening for children and VBS staff only. See Jackie with questions or to help.
  • We will NOT restart Wednesday evening Bible Study this fall. We want to encourage greater participation in Journey Groups.
  • If you are unable to attend Sunday morning or evening and would like the Lord's Supper brought to you, please contact one of the elders or deacons.

Student Ministry Program

  • Tonight – 6:00 p.m. Jr/Sr High Youth Group
  • July 29th - Aug. 2nd Vacation Bible School. Register today in the lobby.
  • 8th – 10 a.m. -4 p.m. 7th-12th grade youth outing at Erndt’s home. Bring snacks or drinks & swimming clothes. 



Prayer Requests

Dana Wilson, breathing
Marlon Wilson, health (Corenne’s dad)
Carolyn Lilly, home recovering
Tom Thatcher, Country Club NH #15
Sue Pyers, health
Debbie Cross, cancer
Ann Russell – Broken Finger
Lexi Kessler (Megan Furby) –Surgery recovery
Matt Haller's stepmom on overseas mission trip

Ed Rager
Mitch Furby
Larry Brown
Scott Mickley
John Bateman
Earl Moore
Todd McMullen
Becky Erndt
Wayne Thompson
Cheryl White

Joey Souder (Barb Rager) – Diabetes
Lucille Miller – Health
Amy Walters - Auto Immune Disease
Britany Erow (Mike) – Health
Sadie Croft (Bob & Ruth’s daughter)
Ron and Donna Bailey
Karen Wright (Cheri Fry) Health
Henry Zugg – Lyme disease
Carrier Cora – Country Club NH
David & Paul Brady – Health
Maxine Hull - Health
Grace Rogers - Health

Justin Thomas
Seth Rager
Keaton Snow
Danny Mears
Arik Lumbatis

Anthony Odu
Camie Newbold
Arik Lumbatis

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